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Any licensed dentist who wants to expand their skills and knowledge in implant dentistry can enroll in a live patient implant course. However, some prerequisites may apply depending on the course provider and location.

Every case receives a comprehensive dental treatment plan. Most of them will be digital planning. The plan includes the diagnosis, prognosis, and options for treatment. The plan is discussed and set with the participant. All patients sign an informed consent following the ethical and bioethical roles.

Thought out the course experienced and qualified  instructors will be available to answer all your questions. All support team remains available after the course for further support.

Yes, you will have the opportunity to mix and match different dental courses according to your preferences and learning objectives. Also we are going to be more that  happy to put together another course that is not listed.

No prior experience required, we offers courses that cater to individuals with a wide range of backgrounds, including beginners who are new to the field of dentistry.

If you cancel the course 30 days in advance there is not refund. If we cancel the course any time you will receive money back menus bank charges.

The hotel, breakfast, lunch and graduation dinner is included during the course.

Beside English, we can provide the course in Postugues, Italian and Spanish.